Uniform Guidelines

Mesa uniform shirts will be sold at Mesa during Advisory throughout the school year in the front office.
Uniform T-Shirts $7, Hoodies and Zip-ups $20.

Mesa Uniform Guideline 2024/2025 School Year

Regular Fit Jeans in Blue Denim, Gray, Black or Khaki
(No Decorations or Tears on Jeans)

Mesa Middle School Uniform Shirts Sold at Mesa- Black, Green, and Grey.
(parent designed shirts must be approved by principal and need to follow the color requirement)

Mesa Middle School Hoodies and Zip Ups sold at Mesa (Green Only) Not to be worn in the building

Special Event Non-Uniform days at the discretion of the Principal
Standard guidelines as follows:

*No Pajamas, sweats, or slippers (Unless Specified)
*All clothing will be clean in good repair, No Tears in clothing. No Exception
*Clothing promoting alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscene language,  sexual activity, or gang affiliation is not acceptable for school. (No "homie", "Snowman", "laugh now-cry later shirts", etc.) clothing that says "in memory of...." are not to be worn on campus.
*Sheer and see through materials, or layers of see-through materials such as mesh, are not acceptable for school.
*Underwear, including boxers, or shorts under pants should not be visible.
*All midriffs are to be completely covered at all times on campus or at school events. Gaps in clothing are not allowed between tops and pants or skirts. Top neckline should not be low cut.
*Clothing should fit properly. Clothing may be worn a maximum of one size larger to allow for growth, shrinkage, etc. Oversized clothing should not be worn at school or school activities.
*Belts should be worn appropriately- not hanging
*Wallet chains are not permitted
Shorts and skirts will extend past the fingertips when arms are fully extended.
*Jackets may not to be worn to cover dress code violations.
*Hats and other types of headgear, sunglasses, and gloves are to be removed and stored in students backpack when students enter the building.

Non-Discrimination Notice © 2025 Roswell Independent School District. All rights reserved.